
T. Denise, Spiritual Psychotherapist & Chaplain, Works to Empower the Community

For over two decades, Chaplain T. Denise has embarked on an extraordinary journey of compassion and healing, touching countless lives along the way. Her career has been dedicated to helping people navigate their emotions, cope with overwhelming grief and the shadows of trauma. Her gentle presence and attentive ear have provided solace to many, illuminating paths through the darkest of emotional times.…

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How Online Marketplaces Like The Cyber Vendor Empowers Entrepreneurs

We are in a new era of online entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs now have the ability to reach customers around the globe with just a few clicks. Thanks to the internet, entrepreneurs have a simpler way of promoting and selling their products. The traditional requirement of establishing a physical brick and mortar storefront is no longer crucial for selling goods. Beginning a new business venture is exhilarating, and with over half of the world's population now connected online, the potential customer base is virtually endless. Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Facebook and The Cyber Vendor are supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs.…

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How Graduates Like Aliya McKoy Are Driving Change, Transforming Uncertainty Into Possibilities

High school is a transformative journey, a crucible that shapes us into the individuals we are destined to become. It is a time of self-discovery, where we navigate the ebbs and flows of life, forging friendships, pursuing passions and confronting challenges that test our resilience. As Aliya McKoy and other graduates stand on the precipice of graduation, ready to embark on a new chapter, let the memories of high school fuel your ambition. Embrace the wisdom gained and the passions ignited, for they are the foundation upon which you will build your future. Despite the challenges of inflation, wars and the unknown, this graduating generation is arguably the most socially responsible and globally conscious and human-centered thus far. Uncertainty permeates our world, but within that uncertainty lies infinite possibilities that graduates have the power to turn it into a realm of limitless potential.…

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Reel Woman: Nimol Bunchan on Leading the Cambodian Film Industry & Balancing Work-Life Harmony

Trailblazing media entrepreneur Nimol Bunchan is at the forefront of an audacious new era in Cambodian cinema as the CEO and Founder of SASTRA Film. Nimol has propelled her company from humble origins to a powerhouse in the industry, now employing 150 talented individuals and offering opportunities to over 200 artists every year. Under her guidance, Nimol's vision and dedication have not only elevated the local film industry but also garnered international recognition. Her commitment to nurturing talent and producing high-quality content has set a new standard in the industry, inspiring others to follow suit.…

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Lissa Mel Creates Good Vibrations Through the Healing Power of Art

California based artist and gallerist Lissa Mel believes that art carries the incredible gift to foster healing. Through a therapeutic process, she transforms her pieces into powerful catalysts for unlocking positive energy. This high vibrational art is created with the intention of healing using mantras and positive affirmations, amplified through artistic expression. The essence of Lissa's visual art is rooted in love, frequency and vibration. By transforming these immaterial energies into the material, the act of painting harnesses the collective human potential for peace and harmony.…

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Latin Artist Sol Romero on How Being Multicultural Has Given Her a Global Outlook

As a multitalented performer of Latin and Swiss heritages, Sol Romero has garnered numerous credits in her career as an actress and international recording artist. Her filmography includes appearances in Casino Royale (Daniel Craig), The Legend of Zorro (Antonio Banderas), Edge of Darkness (Mel Gibson), and most recently Memory (Liam Neeson). With a life full of international travels and exposure to cultural diversity, Sol has gained a cosmopolitan perspective on living and connecting with others.…

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JR Michael’s Filmmaking Journey Embodies How to Strive for Personal & Professional Excellence

JR Michael's approach to filmmaking and life illustrates that the pursuit of excellence is not limited to a specific field but can be a guiding philosophy for anyone seeking to create a meaningful and impactful life. While many individuals chase success, driven by the pursuit of fame, wealth or recognition, JR has a different perspective. The phrase 'don't work for success, but strive for excellence' is his motto. In a world driven by success and the pursuit of personal gain, JR's approach serves as a powerful reminder. Instead of fixating on success as an end goal, we should strive for excellence in our endeavours. JR embodies this philosophy, inspiring us all to embrace our passions and work towards making a difference in the world. As we draw inspiration from his story, let's remember that excellence is not a destination; it's a way of life that demands our best efforts every day.…

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Life As Creation: The Elements of Sir Daniel Winn’s Cinematic Odyssey Through Artistic Vision

Creation is in our nature. There is profound meaning in our existence suggests Sir Daniel Winn’s remarkable art film Creation. The short film presents the idea that each of us has the capacity to create our own reality while we are alive. Through our thoughts and beliefs, we have the power to shape the world around us. You might be fabricating negative or positive narratives in your consciousness, you are still creating. Many religions and other social systems encourage people to accept that life is already planned out and that one's destiny is beyond one's control. Sir Daniel metaphorically illustrates that through the power of the mind, life is largely of our own making.…

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Vampiric Capitalism: European Vampire Reflects on the Superficiality & Fragility of Modern-Day Living

Idiosyncratic, elusive and cursed, European Vampire explores the night and the characters who populate it with their ruthless social commentary over house music beats. Examining consumption and consumerism, the vampire is deployed as a metaphor for capitalism and modern distress. The allegorical vampire character is the embodiment of the decadence and moral corruption of society. The vampiric characteristics of capitalism drains people with the vanities of life, shallow luxuries, and materialistic cravings, leading them to forsake the true joys of life and sacrifice the essence of living.…

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